Language: Hungarian
Tools – For practice purposes
Target groups: In-service professionals
Type: Game
At the beginning of the game, everyone will receive the benefits available in Hungary today: they can take on one or more children, in this case they will receive family allowance and GYES, they will receive help (employment replacement allowance). During the game, they can earn an income from public or casual work (possibly get a declared “real” job), get occasional help, and whoever is lucky can find or win money.
During the game, everyone has to buy food, pay for housing (if they don’t, their food may deteriorate, get cold or be punished for lack of electricity), in addition to children’s education, transportation, clothing, medical care also comes at a cost. If someone doesn’t have the money, you can buy on credit at the convenience store or apply for a loan from usury. The winner of the game is the one who manages to survive the month.
The Sociopoly board game provides a good opportunity to reflect on, try, or try out all the questions (and stereotypical answers) that we formulate, feel, or feel we know about poverty during the game.